Sharmarke Abdirahman July 19, 2013 Mary Smith, PhD Program Officer World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20090-7180 (202) 293-4800 Dear Mary Smith: On behalf of the East Africa Wild Life Society (EAWLS), I would like to thank you for the World Wildlife Fund’s past support of our mission to break down the barriers that prevent us from protecting the wildlife and their habitats. Your investment in EAWLS has allowed us to provide empowering, inclusive hands-on training, and advocating to people for the conservation of Africa’s wildlife. Thank you too, for inviting EAWLS to apply for the new WWF’s Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project. With the enclosed proposal, we respectfully requested $1, 00,000 grant over one year in support of the development and early implementation of a sound strategic plan to build organizational capacity and ensure future growth and sustainability. We are particularly grateful that the WWF has decided to include capacity building among its grant-making priorities in this initiative, as strategic planning is critical endeavor and funding for it can be difficult to find. As the proposal details, over the last 40 years EAWLS has grown tremendously in the number of people and wildlife species we serve and in the innovation and reach of our conservation programs. At this point, we are close to our maximum programming capacity, with nearly all our programs and services fully booked through the end of this year. Yet demand continues to grow for our extensive wildlife research, crucial conservation activities, training and advocacy projects among the people, and wildlife conservation awareness campaigns. Sustainable growth requires clear strategy and quality programs and services. A grant from the World Wildlife Fund will make it possible for us to conduct this planning, along with robust implementation of critical early stage of the plan. We would also love to welcome you to observe or participate in an EAWLS program at your convenience. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me. This is an invitation to take a Journey inConservation through your considerationof this proposal. Regards, Sharmarke, Chief Executive Director Enclosure Table of Contents
1) Executive Summary 3 2) The problem statement 7
3) Project Description 9
4) Budget 20 5) Organization Information 22 6) Conclusion 26 7) References 27
Executive Summary:
Background: Africa is a continent rich in natural resources, yet sustainable development and use of these resources is still to be fully utilized. Kenya is one of the prominent countries with exceptional biodiversity and wildlife. 7-10% of Kenya’s land surface is made up of protected conservation areas (KWS, 2013).There are more than 57 recognized conservation areas, National parks and, across the Kenya. Some of them are Masai Mara, Tsavo (East and West), Amboseli, Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, Nairobi National Park, Dodori, Voi game reserve, Malindi Marine Park, Watamu National reserve, Wasin marine reserve.The first black rhino sanctuary in Kenya was set up in Lake Nakuru National Park at the height of rhino poaching in Kenya (1970s to 1980s). Eastern and Southern Africa contains some of the world’s most unique and spectacular bio-diversity. It is home to critical places (Coastal East Africa, Africa Rift Lakes, Miombo and the Namib-Karoo) and key flagship species (Great Apes, African Elephant, African Rhinos and Marine Turtles). Below is a graphic of Kenya’s conservation areas governed by Kenya Wildlife Service, (KWS, 2013).
Kenya epitomizes the dilemmas and contradictions facing wildlife conservation policy in modern day East Africa. Kenya maintains a network of protected areas (PAs), her National Parks and National Reserves, of breathtaking beauty and abundant and diverse wildlife which each year attract hundreds of thousands of tourists and generate hundreds of millions of dollars in hard currency. It is important that these villagers get the necessary equipment, knowledge and funds to protect these animals. The safari business is a pillar of the Kenyan economy, generating more than a billion dollars a year and nearly 500,000 jobs: cooks, cleaners, bead-stringers, safari guides, bush pilots, even accountants to tally the proceeds. It is not unusual here for a floppy-hatted visitor to drop $700 a night to sleep in a tent and absorb the sights, sounds and musky smells of wondrous game. Much of that money is contractually bound to go directly to impoverished local communities, which use it for everything from pumping water to college scholarships, giving them a clear financial stake in preserving wildlife.
Statement of Problem: All over Kenya, tens of thousands of wild animals are being poached each year, more than at any time in decades, because of world’s soaring demand for ivory trinket, jaguar skin, tiger skin, rhino horn, monkey skin, marine animals’ liver, fin and so on. Nothing seems to be stopping the poaching, including deploying national armies. In the northern part of Kenya, destitute villagers have seized upon an unconventional solution that, if replicated elsewhere, could be the key to saving thousands of wildlife across Africa, conservationists say. In a growing number of communities here, people are so eager to protect their wildlife that civilians with no military experience are coming together, grabbing shotguns and assault rifles and risking their lives to confront heavily armed poachers. The civilians, some who had never picked up a gun before and are little more than volunteers, to fight poachers. Therefore, they lack proper techniques of defending the animals.
The Projected Solution of EAWLS (Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project): The Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project supports Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to strengthen the management of Kenya’s national parks and reserves and to promote community-based wildlife management. The project builds upon a successful partnership betweenus (the East African Wild Life Society), Kenya Wildlife Service and the African Wildlife Foundation called the Conservation of Bio diverse Resource Areas Project. WWF, USAID and EAWLS jointly provided Kenya Wildlife Service and other local and community based organizations technical assistance, training, and equipment to develop a viable extension service platform for understanding, awareness and eliminating wildlife crimes at all costs. This project has the following key principles for maintain and assuring its effectiveness and sustainability throughout the project duration and hereafter. Use the best available scientific information to address issues and critically evaluate all our endeavors. Build concrete conservation solutions through a combination of field-based projects, policy initiatives, capacity building, and education work. Involve local communities and indigenous peoples in the planning and execution of field programs, respecting both cultural and economic needs. Strive to build partnerships with other organizations, governments, business, and local communities to enhance our effectiveness. Run our operations in a cost effective manner and apply donors’ funds according to the highest standards of accountability.
EAWLS emphasizes on followings resolutions for this Kenya Wildlife Conservation project: working with governments, local communities and park managers to establish and manage protected areas undertaking research establishing and supporting certification and other schemes for sustainable commodities commissioning and publishing impartial data developing advice for governments, business and international conventions changing business practices awareness raising Lobbying decision-makers.
Proponents and Beneficiaries:
1. Enhancement and strengthening of the field operations of the lead Agency, the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, mandated with the responsibility of wildlife conservation, management and protection within Kenya, in the area defined by EAWLS. 2. This project will support communities involved in rural District Council initiated community-based program’s for conservation and natural resource management, in the sustainable and beneficial use of their own wildlife 3. Development and promotion of the wildlife photographic and eco-tourism industry with the assistance of WWF, Nature Conservancy, and KWS.
Project Duration: This project is proposed to run for a complete one year timespan (July 18, 2013 to July 17, 2014). A one-year detailed intervention plan and budget has been created for this project, using a phased and prioritized implementation process. Upon the project expiration, the outcome of project or availability of funding will expedite the renewal of this project in future. Venues (Project Sites): The greater Amboseli (including the Nairobi National Park ecosystem); the greater Western Reserve, Laikipia-Samburu; Mount Kenya & Lake Naivasha system and the Greater Tana River Basin including the East African coastal region.
Staffing: 5 Field managers, 5 Veterinary Doctors, 3 biodiversity experts and 10 fieldworkers from EAWLS will be assigned for designated zones according to site analysis. The applicant organization, EAWLS now consists of following Lead Personnel: EAWLS will be the enforcer and authority of this project with kind collaboration of The Kenya Wildlife Service, which is the Government of Kenya’s authority for wildlife conservation and management. Kenya Wildlife Service manages 8% of Kenya’s total landmass, including 27 National Parks, 32 National Reserves, and four National Sanctuaries, four Marine National Parks and six Marine National Reserves. Thus, the proposed project implementation becomes viable for EAWLS.
Funding requirements: Total financial requirement ofthis project is projected as $2, 65, 000, in which we managed to ensure the collaboration of Government funding. Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project Duration: 2013 – 2014 Proposed budget to WWF: $1, 00,000 Government of Kenya Contribution: $1, 65, 000 The 60% of the required amount of funding is needed for building a proper conservation infrastructure and collaboration process among the communities. A 20% will be used for the organization’s operational costs. And the rest 20% will be allocated for the labor and security systems. The proper use of the funding is hereby guaranteed and protected with the legislation acts and contract deals. Organization and its expertise: The East African Wild Life Society (EAWLS) is established in 1961 through a merger of the Kenya and Tanzania Wild Life Societies (both formed in 1956) and wildlife enthusiasts from Uganda. EAWLS was established as a membership organization as reflected in its Constitution and is also registered as a Non – Governmental Organization (NGO) under the NGO Act of Kenya of 1990. For over forty (40) years, EAWLS has been at the forefront in the efforts for protecting endangered, rare or threatened species and habitats in East Africa. The Society realizes the need for stakeholders in tourism and conservation sectors to come together, providing a forum for the regional community to understand and review on how to achieve sustainable environmental management, and community benefits through tourism. The vision of such a forum would be to come up with policy and best practice recommendations that would support both these sectors. Currently, EAWLS is seen as a leader in building the capacities of community based organizations in the field of conservation. The main aim is to enable these organizations not only mobilize funds and resources but also have the necessary technical skills and organizational capacity to effectively manage natural resources in their respective areas. In the 1980’s, EAWLS was instrumental in initiatives undertaken for the conservation of elephants and the establishment of rhino sanctuaries in Kenya. It was again instrumental in advocating for the establishment of a quasi-government institution to run the National Parks and Reserves in Kenya during the same period. This effort resulted into the establishment of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
Project Rationale “All of man’s ingenuity could not create anything equal to the world of untamed wilderness” The wildlife and related industry itself supports jobs and economic activity throughout the country, especially in the construction, travel, hotel and agricultural sectors. Kenya’s protected areas are also the focus of much interest and goodwill from international agencies, scientific foundations and international conservation organizations, many of whom locate their global or regional headquarters in Nairobi. Support from these sources brings in perhaps a further $50-60m each year (Norton- Griffiths [1994a]). Yet, the wildlife resource on which much of this prosperity and economic activity is based is becoming rapidly depleted and degraded. Ecological monitoring data, gathered by the government itself, shows unambiguously that Kenya has lost 44% of all its wildlife over the last 17 years (Norton- Griffiths, 1998), GOK, 1995): locally, losses of species abundance, number and diversity are even higher (Norton-Griffiths, 1996). Seventy-five percent of Kenya’s tourism revenue comes from wildlife tourism and yet, Kenya’s abundant natural resources face challenges on diverse fronts. Climate change, habitat degradation and loss, poaching, forest depletion, tourism market volatility, and human-wildlife conflict are threats to preservation and good resource management. There is a great diversity of wildlife in Kenya. With the development promoted by white colonists from the beginning of the 20th century, the existence of this wildlife came under serious threat. As a result, there was sharp decline in wildlife in Kenya and in 1946 the Nairobi National Park was established as East Africa’s first national park as part of a wildlife conservation policy. However, at the beginning of the 1980’s in addition to large scale organized poaching, wildlife conservation activities stagnated due to corruption at the Wildlife Conservation Management Bureau, which was in charge of the protection of wildlife (Norton-Griffiths, 2000). Due to poaching, there is a significant decline in the number of endangered animals, particularly the black rhinoceros and the African elephant, and the basis of the tourism industry, which is important for the national economy, facing a serious crisis. According to WWF (2013), Wildlife crime in Kenya is now the most urgent threat to three of the world’s best-loved species—elephants, rhinos and tigers. Every part of the tiger—from whisker to tail—is traded in illegal wildlife markets. Poaching is the most immediate threat to wild tigers. In relentless demand, their parts are used for traditional medicine, folk remedies, and increasingly as a status symbol among wealthy Asians. (Western D., Russell S., Cuthill, I., 2009). Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. However, there are still some thriving but unregulated domestic ivory markets in a number of countries, which fuel an illegal international trade. At least two rhinos are killed every day due to the mistaken belief that rhino horn can cure diseases. The main market is now in Vietnam where there is a newly emerged belief that rhino horn cures cancer. Rhino horn is also used in other traditional Asian medicine to treat a variety of ailments including fever and various blood disorders. It is also used by wealthy Asians as a cure for hangovers. The global value of illegal wildlife trade is between $7.8 billion and $10 billion per year (WWF, 2013). It is a major illicit transnational activity worldwide—along with arms, drugs and human trafficking. High-level traders and kingpins are rarely arrested, prosecuted, convicted or punished for their crimes. Corruption, toothless laws, weak judicial systems and light sentences allow criminal networks to keep plundering wildlife with little regard to consequences. These factors make illegal wildlife trade a low risk business with high returns. The poachers—often poor locals—are the usually the only ones caught, leaving the real masterminds and their network safe and operational with the ability to strike again. Surprisingly, many jobs in the safari industry can pay as much as poaching. Though the wildlife trade may seem attractive, in accordance with the wild animals, with the hijacker getting just a minuscule cut of the million-dollar ransoms. The actual poachers only get a small percentage of what the ivory is really worth. The middle-men are the ones who gain much from the trade. Therefore, if these hijackers are provided with jobs and a fair pay, they can become useful citizens. Furthermore, we can use their skills and instead employ them in protecting the animals as they know the routes, timing and maneuvers of the poachers. Hereby, EAWLS is capable of exceling the Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project, through innovative partnerships that combine on-the-ground local and global community conservations, high-level policy and advocacy, and suitable approach towards a better wildlife conservation.
The Project Description:
a. Goal
The first goal of the written proposal is to provides a healthy and safe setting for the different types of animals to live, andbecomes an increasingly attractive destination for day visitors and tourists to use and enjoy the unique natural and cultural landscape of the valleys. Secondly, is to increase the number of people who are taking action for wildlife and engage those individuals and communities that traditionally have not had contact with us or the issues it addresses, such as those experiencing social exclusion or disadvantage.Supporting and improving animal’s quality of life, health and well-beingis the third goal of our project. Next, is to increase local communities’ awareness and understanding of the natural environment’s contribution to quality of life, and its contribution in terms of social, cultural and economic benefits. Finally, is to empower local communities to take action to improve their local environment and enhance biodiversity, by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, resources and confidence to carry out this work.
b. Objectives
a) To improve the local community networking and training for biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource use, to decrease rate of loss of wildlife from 44% to 35% over a year.
b) To enhance better understanding among the affected communities and among conservation staff of the rate, root causes and social, economic and biological consequences of biodiversity loss.
c) To strengthen the provincial protected area management capacity required to address the root causes and to strengthen and wildlife management and regulatory enforcement, to increase total conservation areas from 7% up to 12%.
d) To motivate and empower community members and protected area management staff to collaborate in reducing unsustainable exploitation of wildlife.
c. Programs, Initiatives & Partnerships Strategies: . Human-wildlife conflict continues to pose a great challenge to Kenya Wildlife Service management; conservation outside protected areas cannot be sustainably achieved without addressing the needs and rights of communities hosting wildlife on their lands. The Kenya Wildlife Conservation project will engage local Kenyan communities bordering national parks and conservation areas in wildlife conservation. EAWLS is testing and implementing legal and economic tools for conservation including land trusts and easements programs. The project will enhance combined monitoring of habitat and species. Biomass monitoring in Nairobi National Park, aerial photo interpretation and map digitization provide a baseline for long term monitoring. Conservation has no value without being relevant to the realities of the people who control and use the resources that need to be conserved. Achieving conservation goals is largely down to human choice. We will work out what local stakeholders want in relation to wildlife conservation and assess their willingness and capacity to undertake conservation activities. This will be achieved through a large number of consultative meetings and informal interviews with different clusters of stakeholders. These clusters include the government at all levels, the owners and users of land, researchers and conservation NGOs.
Conservation Strategies: The project will assist with the implementation of national conservation strategies for black rhinos, cheetahs, wild dogs, lions, spotted hyena, sea turtles, and the other animals The Targets for this projects are the: Area: Secure as much contiguous and secure natural habitat as possible for wildlife in the Kenyan landscape. Biodiversity: Secure and maintain the natural diversity of wildlife in the Kenya’s protected and open areas. Connectivity: Ensure that the structure of the landscape allows wildlife to move freely across space and time, without interfering the livelihood of human, thou create the moral bond between animal and man. It would also introduce local and global level networking to prevent, reduce or eliminate wildlife and biodiversity crimes.
The Steps for this Conservation Strategy are: 1. Undertake a situation assessment 2. Run a series of conservation planning 3. Review of the results and stakeholder meetings 4. Implement goal-oriented and objective-driven programs and activities in target areas 5. Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the programs and reform if needed.
We are passionate in driving large-scale, long-lasting changes in Kenya’s wildlife conservation, based on our extensive array of experts and experience. This will come through a combination of: 1. Advocacy policy: Local communities as well as responsible trade and investments and good environmental governance are key to ensuring the responsible management of the natural capital upon which we all depend. This is why EAWLS is working to integrate social equity into our programmers in the field and in our policy work.
We intend to bring proper legislative and ethical advocacy to stop the wildlife crimes and protective behaviors among human, especially who are living in a closer proximity of wild animal or their habitats, because there is the place from where most of the threats comes towards the wildlife. a. Maintaining the rich diversity of the region’s wild animals as a platform for the current and future wellbeing of these wildlife and the people dependent on them. b. Promoting the planning and sustainable use of these natural resources as the only foundation for economic and social development now and in the future. c Ensuring the implementation process, especially the environmental safeguards in Kenya’s Environment Management & Conservation Act (EMCA), Kenya Wildlife Conservation Act, are transiently followed by all. d. Empowering local communities to take responsibility and accrue benefits for the proper management of the wildlife resources and the environmental services they provide. e. Facilitating the collaboration of Government, Non-Government and Civil Society in forming partnerships for the transparent and corrupt free management of wildlife and their habitats.
2. Proposed Conservation Scopes: EAWLS targets and implements diverse conservation projects within the following program areas, which form an integral part of Society projects: Northern Kenya Rangelands: The Lewa Wildlife conservancy harbors over 10 percent of Kenya’s black rhino population and the world’s largest single population of Gravy’s zebra. We and our partners are protecting a mosaic of wildlife habitats and freshwater sources while helping sustain the well-being of traditional pastoralist communities. We are advancing a successful community based model that has fueled conservation across 4 million acres with 19 community wildlife conservancies and now is poised to expand. We have come up to face the key challenges in that region, such as poverty, security, population growth, poaching, grazing management, human-wildlife conflict etc. We built a three –way directed strategic policy, Aware> Empower> Network, to ensure the good wellbeing and relationship of human and animals. We implement our expert advocacy plans to aware and empower the people to protect themselves from the wild animals, discourage to kill wildlife, management of grazing land, livestock and housing so that wild animal’s habitats are not hampered. As the market of poaching is lusting, we provide people lawsuits and contingency plans to reduce and punish poachers. In this process, the empowered people makes their own network grows bigger, stronger and smarter.
Upper Tana Watershed: Originating on Mount Kenya and the Aberdare Mountains, the Tana River waters wildlife, livestock, and crops; supplies water to Nairobi; and generates roughly 75 percent of Kenya’s electricity. The Tana River is Kenya’s longest, running some 440 miles from Mount Kenya to the West Indian Ocean. We are organizing local partners to adapt a successful water fund model to benefit water users in the upper Tana River basin. The water fund will create sustainable financing to enhance protection and management of mountain forests that catch, store and filter water. The key issues in that specific area are as such, siltation, deforestation, lack of watershed management, unregulated water extraction and dam management. We engage local people in developing forest management and conservation practices that will improve the status of the regions forests and increase benefits from them.
Lower Tana Watershed, Marine and coastal areas: The livelihood and wellbeing of some 150,000 people in the Lower Tana basin, as well as the health of the river, suffer from altered flows resulting from unregulated upstream extraction and dam impoundment.With coastal people, we work to ensure that coastal and marine biodiversity is protected and used wisely in order to provide social and economic benefits while maintaining ecological integrity. We are scoping the potential to manage water flow on the lower Tana for multiple benefits, especially encouraging dam operators to re-create more natural river flows. In 2009, the World Bank reported that the annual per capital incomes in Kenya at a higher US$ 770 from marine resources. Currently, more than 5 million people live along the Coastal Kenya shoreline and this number is expected to double before 2030. Their survival is dependent on the regions natural resources which are healthy forests, rivers, mangroves, reefs and oceans. We are helping coastal communities sustainably manage natural resources for their own benefit; strengthening national legislation and management systems for sustainable fisheries and logging operations; improving habitat and species conservation; and developing effective marine protected areas. We are also working with partners to save the critically endangered Hirola antelopes from extinction. Wetlands: We support conservation and wise use of wetlands and freshwater ecosystems. Drylands and Biodiversity Conservation: We endeavor to ensure that key elements of dry land ecosystems and biodiversity are brought under appropriate conservation regimes. Conservation Education and Research: Through community initiatives, public discussions and dissemination of educational material we inform the public on conservation issues to help them make informed decisions. The work is powered by conservation scientists, policy experts, lawyers, communications experts, and other specialists in our programs and global initiatives, supported by national and regional offices and implemented through on-the-ground projects.
Below is some of our current strategic plans under implementations and on-going ground programs across Kenya, with proven results and feedbacks, ourprograms are transforming lives, breaking kill-trade and protecting our precious wildlife: Connecting Community, Public and Private Protected Areas We engineered an innovative solution that allows conservation lands to be held in trust for the benefit of wildlife and future generations. We also facilitate collaborative planning processes so that parks and theirs key partners can map a course for continued conservation success. Reducing Wildlife Poaching By reducing the gap between organizations working to reduce poaching and those working to enforce laws against the poachers, the EAWLS can help to mitigate the threats of poaching and civil insecurity. Conserving Marine Resources In collaboration with the Kenya Wildlife Service, NRT, WWF, and Fauna and Flora International, we are planning conservation program that reduces the expense of delivering high-quality fish to the Nairobi market, increases profits for fishermen and enhances fishery health.
Sharing Skills and Knowledge EAWLS brings a unique array of policy and scientific experts, technical assistance and financial resources to the community for improved training facilities: • Conservation planning and measuring conservation impact • Climate change science • Public policy expertise and public funding resources • Conservation financing expertise • Fundraising and marketing expertise Below is a tabular form of our projected activities in this project sequentially throughout the year:
Activities Activities Time frame 1. Compile curriculum and prepare manual for training government staff in concepts of wildlife conservation, based on existing our training materials. • By the 2nd month, a Training Manual on Concepts and Methods of Natural Resources Conservation will be produced, in the Lao language. 2. Conduct staff training in wildlife conservation, English language and computer skills. To increase capacity at national level, staff from the regional students will be invited to attend, as well as provincial forestry staff. • By the 3 rd month, Provide 2 weeks of wildlife conservation training using the Training Manual on Concepts and Methods of Natural Resources Conservation; and training in English language and computer skills. 3. Organize classes for the villagers to educate them on the benefits of natural resource conservation and sustainable use. • By the 4th and 5 th months, villager training begins. 4. Conduct full-scale conservation framework implementation, our strategies and programs in specified areas and communities. • By the 6th month, all the programs will be on-ground. 5. Conduct two national level workshops to redefine conservation training tools and guidelines and to communicate project strategy and lessons learned across the country. • By the 7th and 8thmonths, national workshops will have been conducted to disseminate training tools, management plan and review outcomes. Participants will acquire and can apply new skills. 6. Review literature and produce a book on the detailed status of wildlife of Kenya province for further research and conservation programs. • By the 9th month, “Wildlife of Kenya Provinces” will be produced in the English and Swahili language. 7. Conservation staff conducts status and distribution surveys of threatened species and important ecosystems in the country. • By the 11th month, monitoring results are compiled and analyzed and management plans are adapted accordingly.
8. Conservation strategies and data result will be provided to Kenya Wildlife Service, to enable them to strengthen their effort in wildlife for future. • By the 12th month, the results and successful strategies will be ready and to be used for a long-term period.
d. Time Frame:
Duration of Project (12 months = 1 year) Activity Month1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7
e. Performance Indicators
The project is attentive to local needs and will assist communities to develop alternative livelihood activities that replace existing unsustainable activities and provide long-term social, economic and conservation benefits. Management plans and village rules to manage natural resources will be in agreement with local traditions, customary boundaries and land use. The project process itself will help educate the villager as to the nature of goals (conservation and development) that are to achieved and help manage expectations of outcomes.
f. Results
The project would achieve the following outcomes;
a. Increased support for biodiversity conservation in eight major villages in Kenya, reflected in heightened conservation awareness and involvement of villagers in conservation activities, including wildlife monitoring.
b. a financial sustainability mechanism in the all regions of Kenya.
c. Increased capacity for wildlife and conservation management in Kenya Province and nation-wide, reflected in greater skills and motivation among provincial and national staff.
d. Promoted the National Government of Kenya policy is to implement sustainable rural development and natural resource management/biodiversity conservation activities at the district or village level
e. Devoted to capacity building of local people officials and to indigenous community activities (conservation awareness, training and alternative livelihood activities).
g. Staffing/Administration
We are going to hire 60workers and 5 managers for our project. These staff will have all District Forestry offices in the province. Many of the staff are currently, and will continue to be, assigned duties that include motivation and empowerment community members and protected area management staff to collaborate in reducing unsustainable exploitation of wildlife. While these activities will assist in conserving forest habitats, they will have limited impact if done without a conservation goal in mind, will be focused on biologically poor areas and will not specifically address the issue of wildlife conservation. Forest control units will make modest attempts to stem wildlife trade in local markets, but these interventions will have only limited success as the patrols will be infrequent and the disposal of live animals problematic, due to lack of procedures, animal identification and health assessment skills and resources to euthanize or release animals in the proper manner. Villages, by and large, will continue to treat forest wildlife as an open access and unlimited resource, based on individual decision-making or governed by local custom or trade demand. The social and biological impacts of over-exploitation will be overlooked and provincial and district staff will have no programs in place to resolve conflicts over resource use resulting from the mixing of different cultural traditions or conflicting land use plans by various sectors for the government. There will be no program in place to work with villagers to mark the boundaries of conservation land once land allocation is completed or to monitor sustainable wildlife.
Financial and program monitoring will be assessed by WWFwho will also be responsible for disbursement of funds to the Project.
Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to determine if and how capacity-building efforts and management activities are reducing threats and enhancing conservation of target elements of biodiversity at the project site. Monitoring will include the establishment and documentation of baseline project conditions both on the ground and in terms of capacity. Biodiversity and threat monitoring will be conducted at the landscape, site and species level. Aspects of collection, compilation and analysis of data will be conducted in collaboration with village, district and provincial counterparts. The Alliance tracking tool, Aerial Tracking and Satellite Mapping will be used to monitor managerial effectiveness of the protected areas; initial assessments have already been done at the beginning of the project to provide a baseline.
Monitoring of the impact of capacity-building components of the project will include pre-and post-testing of skills transfer. Evaluation will be non-formal but standardized. Attendance and participation levels will also be monitored. Data will be collected on a suite of performance indicators to evaluate the process of project implementation. Local observers at the village and district level will be trained to monitor social change and biodiversity and threat indicators. WWF technical adviser on monitoring and national staff will be welcomedfor participating to the task of monitoring design, training, and collective analysis of results. Instruction will be through experiential learning; observers will be evaluated to assure accuracy and precision of the data collected. Project staff and contract workers will collect data related to performance indicators. The WWF& EAWLS program coordinators will compile and evaluate reports.
Financial and program monitoring will be assessed by both EAWLS and WWF. WWF will also be responsible for disbursement of funds to the Project. The EAWLS program office will complete quarterly financial and semi-annual program reports, which will be sent to be evaluated by WWF program office. Participatory evaluation of monitoring results will occur at provincial, district and village level. Meetings will be held three times a year. Compilation and dissemination of monitoring program results will be completed for: Department of Forestry, province, district, village, and scientific community. Revision of management activities and action plans will occur at the provincial level and dissemination made to district and villages.
As outlined below, the following features of the project will ensure post-project sustainability of its conservation benefits: a. promotion of long-term community commitment to conservation, including a willingness to collaborate on management issues with the our staff and relevant provincial authorities; b. a firmly established and effective our administrative structure; c. permanent co-operation between the our staff and other provincial departments and the training institutions; and d. A financial sustainability plan, comprising minimal our management costs and a strategy to generate sufficient revenue to meet these costs after the project closes.
The project will also develop and implement a Sustainable Financing Strategy ofour projectas part of its 1year Management and Investment Plan output. The aim is to ensure that adequate resources are secured to meet the ongoing costs of management at the conclusion of the project. The average annual costs of effectively managing our financial department.
Projected Personnel Expenses Item Cost (Ksh.) 1. Experts’ fees 800000 2. Salary of managers 600000 3. Salary of accountant 500000 4. Salary of trainers 100000 5. Wages of employees 100000 6. Salary of staff 1200000
1. It is important to get the experts in the field of wildlife and animals so that they can help in coming up with the best manual which will be used in training the government staff for two months. A group of 3 experts will be hired for this operation over a period of two months. Each one of them will earn Ksh. 100,000 per month. Also, to translate “Wildlife of Kenya Provinces”, another professional in the Swahili language will be hired. He will have finished translating the book in a month and his wage will be Ksh. 200,000 for the month. 2. There are three of us as managers. Although we are volunteering, some payment will be required so that we can work effectively. The managers will each earn Ksh. 200,000 per year. 3. To record each and every transaction made, an accountant will be important. It will also help us stay on track with our goals in regarding with the finances. The accountant will earn Ksh. 500,000 for the year. 4. A couple of trainers will be hired to train the staff. The trainers will work for only a month. Each trainer will receive Ksh. 50,000. 5. A couple of employees will be hired to help the managers in their daily works 6. The staff will be composed of six people. Each one of them will earn Ksh. 200,000. Their work will be educating and enlightening the villagers.
Projected non-personnel Expenses 1. Equipment 1000000 2. Refreshments 500000 3. Rent 400000 4. Banners and flyers 50000 5. Publishing manuscripts and books 2000000 6. Advertisement 500000 7. Survey 1000000
1. Three laptops will be needed by the managers to conduct several things. The laptops will cost Ksh. 150,000. Microphones and speakers will be rented for the villagers’ classes, workshop and for spreading awareness. The speakers and microphones will cost Ksh. 50,000 Chalks and other necessary teaching materials will cost Ksh. 50,000. Aerial photography, sonar, restraining tools and night vision equipment will cost Ksh. 5, 00,000. Vehicle and transportation will cost Ksh. 250, 000. 2. It will be necessary to have drinks and snacks during the training, classes and awareness. The refreshments will cost Ksh. 500,000 3. During staff training, a room will be rented for the process. The room will cost Ksh. 50,000 for a month. Two rooms will be rented for classes which will cost Ksh. 100,000. The two month rent of a hall for the workshop will cost Ksh. 250,000. 4. The flyers and banners will be used for two reasons: to invite people to come for the classes and also to educate people on the importance of protecting and preserving wildlife. The flyers and banners will cost Ksh. 50,000 5. The manuscripts by experts will be printed at a cost of Ksh. 500,000. The “Wildlife of Kenya Provinces” will be published at a cost of Ksh. 1,500,000 which will give 10,000 books. 6. Advertisement will be done through radio to inform people on the benefits of wildlife preservation. It will cost Ksh. 500,000 7. A survey to check on the progress of the operation will be done. The survey will cost Ksh. 1,000,000.
Organizational Information:
The Kenya Wildlife Conservation Project is an opportunity to redefine preservation and protection of wild animal species in the region of Africa and later on the whole world. So EAWLS is enthusiastic to be part of the ecological movement so that we can bring the change to this world and establish humanity’s last hope of saving our planet, our animals. Apart from the financial prospects, we truly believe for working voluntarily for the greater good of humanity and harmony of world with nature. It is proven that, EAWLS has been a prominent figure in last couple of years, in terms of wildlife protection and conservation activities. Our programs and projects in other parts of Africa has proven results, which separates us from other agencies. Also, to mention, as we focus of East Africa which depicts from our very own name, so conducting a project in Kenya gives us regional advantages over other agencies. EAWLS’s way of conserving the wildlife combines our unmatched global reach with a foundation in science. It involves action at every level—from local to global—and it ensures the delivery of solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.
Our Vision “To save the last great species and places on earth for humanity”
Our Mission “To sustainably conserve, manage, and enhance our wildlife, its habitats, and provide a wide range of public uses in collaboration with stakeholders for posterity”
Our Core Values “Passion, Professionalism, Innovation and Quality”
Year of Commencement 1961
Details of Directors: WWF remembers its founder and chairman emeritus Russell E. Train, who passed away on Sept. 17, 2012. Train was a pioneer in African conservation whose visionary leadership helped define the wildlife movement. President and CEO: Manadir Mohammad Mahi: An expert wildlife researcher and activist. He graduated from Oxford University in Veterinary science, and served many international organizations as a wildlife health scientist. En route, he worked for Procter & Gamble and received an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is the author of the Washington Post and Publisher’s Weekly bestselling book Nature’s Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature. Chief Executive Director: Mohammad Sharmake: He holds a B.A. with Honors in English Literature from Barnard College, Columbia University. He was a founding member of Chicago’s Development Leadership Consortium and lectures on individual giving at Boston University’s School of Management Public and Nonprofit Management Program. Director, Conservation Services: Mohammad Yusuf: He received a bachelor’s degree from Yale College and a master’s degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He participated in the Leadership Council of Yale School of Forestry, is a member of the Yale School of Management’s Advisory Board and a former member of the Yale Corporation.
Audience we serve: We focus on the wildlife and communities in our operation regions. We target the communities living near the animals and their habitats, to mitigate human-animal conflict which threatens both human and wildlife livelihood. Apart from that, we target the endangered species of wild animals who suffers from poaching and habitat loss. We rehabilitate and bring awareness among people and advocate the leaders and stakeholders to understand and share a same world mutually for a healthy, sustainable and peaceful humanity.
Organization’s special expertise: Our expertise includes our strong partnerships, our unique projects, and our diverse experts. Lasting conservation is achieved through collaboration with a range of extraordinary partners. We leverage the strengths of these collaborations to achieve great success.We seek to apply the wealth of our talents, knowledge, and passion to make the world wealthier in life, in spirit, and in living wonder of nature. Our unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science. We have amazing, dedicated and passionate people have created conservation victories. We will achieve our ambitious goal through the efforts of EAWLS’s incredible team of scientists, biologists and policy makers.
Organization’s Programs: We conduct several conservation programs round the year in the regions of East Africa, such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia. Some of our key ongoing programs are: Dolphin Conservation in Kenya As tourism continues to grow on the Kenyan coast, it’s important to conduct research to preserve the marine wildlife in the changing area. The ShimoniArchaepalego, a community off the coast of the Indian Ocean, is rich in marine mammals, particularly dolphins. We conduct survey research, monitoring the dolphin population and behaviors in the area. This data is essential to help local communities develop sustainable tourism practices to protect marine wildlife.
Colobus Monkey Conservation in East Africa The Colobus Monkey is integral to the forest ecosystems Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania. Their sloppy eating habits and their tendency to jump from tree to tree with fruit in hand makes these animals an important factor in seed dispersal and the well-being of the forests. While poaching for furs and skins has been a cause for alarm, the greatest threat to the Colobus monkey is now habitat loss as coastal forests are threatened by development. We do fundraising and empowerment programs to stop villagers to kill them.
Sea Turtle Conversation in East Africa The sea turtle population continues to decline particularly in the Eastern Africa’s costal region. Exploitative activities such as egg poaching alongside coral reef and sea grass depletion, beach pollution, and an increase in coastal development all pose a threat to the future of sea turtles in the region. The coast of the Indian Ocean is a major hatching ground for sea turtles. We help them the best chance at survival in this area and assist with hatching, incubating, and rearing sea turtles for a safe return to the ocean.
Lake Tanganyika Freshwater conservation in Tanzania Fishing villages along Lake Tanganyika, Africa’s ‘inland ocean’, give way to forests teeming with chimpanzees and Greater Mahale Ecosystem. Across 4.8 million acres of Greater Mahale, our programs integrate efforts involving freshwater marine species, fishery health and sustainable livelihood with preserving marine species. Greater Kafue Ecosystem conservation in Zambia Kafue National park and surrounding game management areas form a 16-million acre area, the largest conservation area in Zambia. The ecosystem supports strong population of wild dog and cheetah, exemplary bird life, and of Africa’s diverse assemblages of antelopes. We work with government and other partners to improve park management, wildlife management, involve communities from game management areas around Kafue, in deciding how they can preserve and protect their precious wildlife and how they can be benefited mutually from the natural resources.
In conclusion, the main purpose of this project is to reduce the immediate pressure on extraction and changes the value of these resources and the wildlife and ecosystem dependent upon them from a short term finite resource to a medium term sustainable asset. As a result, the costs associated with traditional conservation activities, such as anti-poaching and monitoring, can be considerably lowered or shared with community members. This project will try to expand the reach of this activity to the entire community. Many of the staff are currently, and, will continue to be, assigned duties that include motivation and empowerment community members and protected area management staff to collaborate in reducing unsustainable exploitation of wildlife.
Moreover, the project will provide conservation staff with training in the basic concepts of conservation biology and applied research on key species and ecological functions. To develop effective conservation methods and tools, conservation staff will be trained in threat analysis, land use zoning, public awareness, helping villagers determine sustainable off-take rates, establishing sustainable conservation rules, designing and implementing village development plans and alternative livelihood projects, and monitoring conservation, welfare and behavioral results. Provincial staff would be able to benefit from the new curriculum on biodiversity conservation now being taught at the Village with the assistance of WWF. So they can better support and retain their staff, conservation managers will be trained in protected area administration, with a focus on human resource management, reporting, budgeting.
Finally, mastery of technical skills and replicable procedures will be promoted by facilitating field teams to work without the direct supervision of experts. By using pre-field briefings and post field debriefings, survey and patrol teams will learn analysis and problem solving skills, and adaptive management skills to empower them to continue these activities after the project is finished.
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WWF. (2013). Threats:Illegal Wildlife Trade, Retrieved on July 6 from:
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