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Writer's pictureJohn B. Parisutham

WAR – Causes and Effects

Today’s lecture was good because we watched around one hour documentary about the fist world war and honestly I have never watched it before. War is an organized and often prolonged conflict that is carried out by states or non-state actors. It is characterized by extreme violence, social disruption, human suffering, and economic destruction. Many things can cause a war like: race religion, simple idea rejection, a group declares war to stop things. Effects of war can end up in prosperity( golden ages which are good times), days of defeats, crime, loss of men(lots of them), laws, new technology, group and gangs example: Nazis and Gestapo, new weaponry, artillery and other lethal invention or even things that can help us like computers telephone and so on. Wars are caused by things like racism, religion, disagreements and simple idea rejections.

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another. In other word, that different races  should remain segregated and a part from one another either due to color like in the 19th century were blacks were tortured or in Nigeria were Hausa people were killed or the Rwanda genocide. The victims try to flight back which strikes off the war.

Religion disagreement due to the fact that one of the religions think it’s beliefs are right or the fact of leadership in the country this is very common in western countries of Africa, most of these countries have two dominating religions that’s; Christianity and Islam both religion that the leader is supposed to come from their side this starts off the war. Also, the religion which thinks others are not following the right believes may try to flight them in order to end their existence.

Simple idea rejection, refection on the world today this is the most common cause for the war like in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more! And so many counties mostly caused by non-presiding parties which often disagree with what the government decide. This also can also be see among different countries like in the first war difficult series of diplomatic clashes between the great powers( Italy, France, Germany, the British empire, the Austria-Hungarian empire and Russian) over European and colonial issues in the  decade before 1914 which one of the causes that started the war.

The most unpleasing result of a war is loss of lives. Where mothers are left widows, children orphans. In most of the wars all around the war mostly child area affected, of which some see the parents being killed and think of doing the same  and some many other ugly thoughts that develop in their minds, mothers are left to struggler for their children, yet poverty and hunger leads the whole country.

We were given some question and I had chosen one of them that were “is war avoidable?” In my point of view, yes, it is avoidable! Because it has more harmfulness rather than benefit to all the organization. We can avoid war by following many ways for example, equal distribution of wealth, individuals’ freedom of choice, not much government intervention, no dictatorship and pure democracy. Cooperation and unity, sprit of humanity. But for some political issues. Other aspect war is not a natural but we are the one who make it so we can avoid it too. I think there are a number of ways to solve issues like talks, agreements, sharing and others instead of loss the future generation in war.

Since, this is my last learning journal in writing reflective diaries. I would like to express my deepest thanks to all the coordinators of this course who have delivered and shared their knowledge in a very appropriate ways of learning and teaching. I hope to see them all in my new universities courses in the next trimester.

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