The fourth week lecture further explained on the topic of conflicts. In this lecture Dr Ahamad Faozy elaborated the types of religious conflicts in depth. He stated that it can come under four types such as Inter-Religious, Intra religious, Ethno Religious and Political-Religious. For each type he produced certain examples which made easier to picture it in our mind.
I had ambiguous ideas that why we must study religious conflicts. It is a universal fact that religious issues are extremely sensitive. Even a calm and cool person can turn in to a violent person if someone touches him on this topic. I can’t judge whether it is correct or not but it is a matter of love and stern faith. So what I felt is, as we are undergraduates and have sufficient knowledge and understanding, it is immensely useful to understand an issue before searching for solution. Hence by learning the roots and the branches of religious conflicts we can avoid such conflicts in our society.
In the lecture Professor elaborated the certain roots for the conflicts. One of the core reasons of conflicts is discrimination. It has been common all over the world regardless of regions and religions. People tend to believe that the majority has the rights to overpower minority. Hence the minority bears all the tortures and discriminative laws for a certain period but when a time comes they get burst out and generally tend to use war as a solution.
War does not bring the ultimate solution for the conflicts. History bears witness for this statement except to a few incidents most of the time war created an entrance for another problem. Therefore nonviolent protests are a practiced tool in which people gain their ultimate goals for is action at all, but rather it means the proper way of approaching an issue which includes peaceful protests, calm debates and so on.
At the end of the lecture Dr Hamid commented by saying, rather calling religious conflicts he prefers to call it ideological conflicts. Though it is correct in a sense, it does not suit for all conflicts such as intra religious conflicts and ethno religious. I have received this answer from Dr Ahamad Faozy which I believe is the correct and it is religious conflicts and not ideological conflicts.