Moderator: Mohamed Zaveem Shirfran.
Panelist: Hamdhan Rifaul Ameen.
Yasir Ahmad.
Overview of the topic:
NGOs are legally constituted corporations created by natural or legal people that operate independently from any form of government. NGOs have been classified by what they are not (neither government, nor profit-driven organizations), rather than what they are, highlighting their differences to and distance from the state and private sectors, who have yet to meet the interests of poor and disadvantaged groups (White 1999). It is considered an important part of an emerging civil society that creates a more balanced relationship between governments, markets and citizens, and also their ability to offer a ‘development alternative’ and filling the gaps caused by inefficient state provision of services. However, NGOs like any other type of organizations face a variety of incentives and have to ensure their own survival in some circumstances, which lead NGOs to suffer from mission drift where the focus is so much on achieving financial and managerial demands that their workload is increased but they are not more likely (and maybe even less likely) to fulfill their larger organizational mission.
1) Mr. Hamdhan Rifaul Ameen. (International institute for social development ):
a) What is the role of NGOs in the society and does it really make a difference?
b) Who funds NGOs? And what kind of impact does that bring?
2) Mr. Yasir Ahmad ( Journalist at CNN )
a) What is mission drift?
b)Under what conditions do non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) principled and instrumental interests become opposed?
3) Mr. Mohamed Zaveem Shirfran. (Representative to the United Nations).
a) Introduce the panelists, topic and carry out the discussion.
b) Avoid arguments based on difference of opinions and conclude the discussion.