The statement human rights carry an enlarge meaning of humans desires. As a human everyone has the right to life, liberty, security of person and also the safety of physical ,social, political, emotional, occupational, educational without distinction of any race, color, sex, language, religion, political, national or social origin. This is the responsibility of the government of any country to protect human rights. Currently there is no protection of human rights in the developing countries.
People have lost the freedom of their choice and rights to life especially in developing countries. They are being controlled by their governing body or ruler. There is remarkable distinction of race, political and religion in developing countries. Political intension of governing body of developing countries could be one of the reasons for this distinction. People are suffering a lot of problems in developing countries where human rights are not the matter of concern to their governing body.
Based on the reports of Human Rights Council, human rights are violated in African developing countries such as Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and also Asian developing countries such as Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand etc. Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body of United Nations who is responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights around the world. But still human rights are not the matter of concern to the government body of developing countries. As a result there is destruction of infrastructure, loss of human life and social cohesion in developing countries.
Can we say that Human Rights are protected? The main reason of my writing this research paper is to prove that still there is no protection of human rights in developing countries. Human Rights are completely protected in develop countries not developing countries. There must be some reasons where government body plays the major roles of developing countries. This research paper will introduce three current issues which will show that the protection of human rights is uncertain in developing countries. The arguments of this research paper will be around some issues regarding human rights of Bangladesh, Myanmar and Tanzania.
Argument 1
The first argument of my research paper is about the violating human rights by killing innocent people by the veil of current government’s judgments in Bangladesh. In order to achieve the political intension current government of Bangladesh is violating human rights and doing distinction at a same time.
The government of Bangladesh is taking care of their own parties. The activities of opposition political parties are strongly prohibited to the government. It seems the government is only for their own party not for others. Bangladesh’s overall human rights situation worsened since 2012. The leaders of opposition parties were arrested and they were accused of war crimes in the 1971 war for the independence. Although government could not prove them as criminal, Abdul Qader Molla one of the senior leaders of an opposition party called Jamaat Islami Bangladesh was death sentence in December 2013 by the veil judgment of the current government. According to Syed Zain Al- Mahmood and Goddon Fairclough 2013, Abdul Qader Molla a senior official leader of Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh was hanged in December 2013 in Dhaka Central Jail. Bangladesh’s Supreme Court rejected his request for a judicial review of the death sentence against him.
This incident was a remarkable sign of nasty politics of the current government. By hanging innocent people government of Bangladesh is violating the human rights. Moreover, a number of people were killed by government’s security forces in June 2013. There are no human rights of political choice. If anyone raise his or her voice against government, he or she will be killed or suffer the punishment of veil judgments. In my own opinion I believe human rights are in question and what the human rights council is doing rather than reporting on issues. This is what is happening with the human rights in Bangladesh. Each and every human has rights to independent of choice and express own opinion. Government should be concern about human rights rather than achieving their own intension or power by taking human rights from publics. So it is true that the protection of human rights is uncertain in developing countries.
Argument 2
The second argument of my research paper revolves in another recent issue killing of Muslims in Myanmar. Myanmar is a Buddhist country where 4 percent of inhabitants are Muslims. Religion is human rights for all human beings. No one can interfere in other religions. Interfere with religions is also interfere with human rights because human being has own independent choice of religion.
The civilian government of Myanmar is doing crimes against humanity and human rights by killing Muslims in Myanmar. Buddhists are killing Muslims in Myanmar. More than 200 hundreds Muslims were killed and more than 125,000 Muslims were homeless since 2012. The houses of Rohingaya Muslims were burned during the clashes. The death comes after more than 800 extremist Buddhist protesters attacked the Muslim community in the violence-wracked region. The Buddhists are doing distinction with Rohingaya Muslims in Myanmar. There are panics among Rohingaya Muslims. They are treated as they are not human being.
According to Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at HRW 2013, Engaging of Myanmar government in a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingaya continues today through the rejection of aid and limitations on movement. Government authorities destroyed mosques, lead violent, mass arrests and blocked aid to displaced Muslims. HRW claims that, “Buddhist monks, political-party operatives and government officials organized themselves to permanently change the ethnic demographics of the state” by removing every trace of the Rohingaya.
There are no securities for the Rohingaya Muslims life in Myanmar. They are living a painful life where they do not have right to have their own choice of religion. Rohingaya are being killed because they are Muslim. If they were Buddhist, they would not being killed. As an inhabitants of Myanmar they have right to live in the country. If the Buddhists keep killing Rohingaya Muslims in Myanmar, there will be no Rohingaya Muslims by few years. This is the illustration how human rights are violating in developing countries. So it is clear that the protection of human rights is uncertain in developing countries. Human Rights Council should take this matter to concern and take action build human rights in developing countries.
Argument 3
The last argument of my research paper is about the right to equality and non-distinction, the right to dignity, the right to be free from torture, insensitive or shameful treatment and right to education, the right to confidentiality, the right to authority and security, the right to health and the right to life. ‘Virginity Test’ of school girl by police investigators in Tanzania is the issue of my argument in terms of violating human rights.
Mandatory pregnancy testing of students in Tanzanian schools is common where 55,000 school girls were driven embarrassing testing process in last decade. It shows how human rights are violating in Tanzania. The government officials are continuing a decade old pregnancy testing program to help combat teenage pregnancy. The use of force pregnancy testing of school girls who refuse to be tested as well as those thought to be pregnant. It is not only happens in Tanzania but also in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda.
According to Allard K. Lowenstein 2013, the individual experience of 14 girls who were driven from school explored in depth. There are stories of rape, pregnancies resulting and exchange sex for school fees which is a tragically common situation among poor young girls in Tanzania. In my own opinion this is the worst situation of human rights violation. How a girl could be treated like that. Each and every girls has own right to education. This is their human rights to have an education.
But few groups of people are doing dirty things by taking the power over women. The governments are not doing anything and they do not have proper education policy for girls. This is how the human rights are destroying from our society and our region in developing countries. There is no protection of human rights. Even people are not aware and do not know about human rights. The girls are suffering this unbearable torturing in Tanzania which is the most significant illustration of human rights violation.
Human rights are very essential for all human beings. There is no life without human rights but human rights are not obliged in developing countries. There is no practice of human rights in developing countries. I believe that I have able to clear by my arguments that human rights are violating and human rights are not in the concern of the government. The government or the group of people those who are using nasty politics to achieve their own goal and those who are not thinking the better life for the human beings are violating human rights. I strongly believe that the protection of human rights is uncertain in developing countries in many ways. Each and every country should have the practice of human rights. People from all stage should get the equal rights. There should not be any discrimination among inhabitants of a country. So we all have to raise our voice to get our human rights for the betterment of human life.
1. Bangladesh. (2013). Retrieved 12 24, 2013, from WORLD REPORT 2013: 2. Campbell, C. (2013, 4 23). Burma Accused of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Rohingya Muslims. Retrieved 12 24, 2013, from TIME World: 3. Crossette, B. (2013, 10 6). Schoolgirls Forced to Take ‘Pregnancy Tests’ in Tanzania. Retrieved 12 24, 2013, from Pass Blue: 4. FAIRCLOUGH, S. Z.-M. (2013, 12 12). Bangladesh Executes Opposition Leader. Retrieved 12 25, 2013, from The Wall Street Journal: