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Sustainable Livelihood Development of Tribal in Remote village of Maradamunai, Batticalo District in

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham


President: Mohamed Jazam Junaideen

Junior Soldiers

No 11 Gold Road Colombo Sri Lanka

T/p: 00942685212

Shean Gommes (CEO)

Mas Industry

No 24 Gold Road Colombo Sri Lanka

T/p: 00946577123



Dear Sir,

Firstly I was thanks for reading this letter. We are nonprofit youth organization called Junior Soldiers. Our main focus was to help the person who was damage from the natural victims. This letter was seeking for the capital to rebuild the tsunami victim’s livelihood. Since 2009 we were achieve so many projects to rebuild the nation. One of best project was “Save the Nature” in Batticalo district. This time we were planning to help the tsunami victims in Kalamunai.

Our new project was called Sustainable Livelihood Development of Tribal in Remote village of Maradamunai, Batticalo District in Kalmunai. We are planning to provide some loans, sewing machine, an animal and we also give the training classes. We will continue this project for six month. We are looking for the capital to begin this project.

Our total budget cost RM 139900.00 ($ 46633.33). We are looking for the grant amount from your organization. I was really hoped your kindness and helpful mind will help to this victim. I was attaché the clear image about this project details. Again thanks for read this letter.


Jazam Junaideen

President Junior Soldiers




Submitted by


Junior Soldiers

No 11 Gold Road Colombo Sri Lanka

T/p: 00942685212

Submitted to

Shean Gommes (CEO)

Mas Industry

No 24 Gold Road Colombo Sri Lanka

T/p: 00946577123




























THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1Project TitleSustainable Livelihood Development of Tribal in Remote village of Maradamunai, Batticalo District in Kalmunai.

2OrganizationJunior Soldiers

3Organization detailJunior Soldiers

President: Mohamed Jazam Junaideen

Secretary: Nor Amallina Azmi

Treasure: Mahara Tawarmi

No 11 Gold Road Colombo Sri Lanka

T/p: 00942685212

4Name of the project chairpersonMohamed Jazam Junaideen, President Junior Soldiers.

5Target areaMaradamunai

6Target peopleTsunami Victims from Maradamunai ( 100 )

7Project duration6 Month8Total budget of the projectRM 139900.00 ($ 46633.33)

Description about the disaster:

The tsunami that hit Sri Lanka on 26 December, 2004 was the worst natural calamity in the history of this island-nation. It wasted the southern coast – the most densely populated and urbanized part of the country and its impact was even more severe in the conflict scarred north East where people had already suffered displacement for over 20 years. More than 70,000 houses have been reported as completely destroyed, with a further 30,000 damaged. Most of the people lost their income sources and their houses. At that time more NGO’s try to help the victims.

All projects follow the same community-based approach to housing rehabilitation and reconstruction. They bring housing and settlement needs to the forefront, advocate community-driven reconstruction, demonstrate good practices, and support government institutions to mobilize resources by facilitating innovative partnerships. The advantage of engaging the affected people in the decision-making process and implementation of the projects is that it helps them to overcome the traumas of the tsunami and restores their dignity and confidence.

The Government of Sri Lanka had adopted two approaches to housing reconstruction, one a so-called Donor Driven process (contractor-built housing), the other a Home Owner Driven (HOD) process.  During this time UN did the main roles to rebuild the nation. During this time they more focus to rebuild the houses and recover the people only. Now present situation was thy already build the houses but still their livelihood situation poor. Still most of the fisherman’s trying to build their livelihoods but poverty and less recourse barrier to their development. Some of the fishermen village their main income from the male, but at the same time most of the house wives did their jobs at house before tsunami (Example weaving and animal husbandry) but after tsunami they lost their equipment’s. There is true fact about Mannar fishermen.


Around 150,000 people lost their main source of income, about 50% in the fisheries sector. According to the joint report by government and development agencies, 250,000 households received two of the four installments’ of Rs 5,000 ($49) plus food worth Rs 375 ($4) per week. Around 165,000 also received the third installment. In the fisheries sector, about 90% of all boats damaged have been repaired or replaced. Seeds and fertilizer have been distributed to those engaged in agriculture in approximately 80% of the affected areas. Problems such as unavailability of comprehensive information, lack of transparency on the targeting of beneficiaries, lack of consultation with affected community members, clarifying decision- making mechanisms and improving operational integration particularly at the local level, have been identified.  Some IDPs complain that dry rations are not provided regularly and the rice given to them is unfit for consumption. Fishermen in Mannar staged a demonstration on 7 February 2006, against restrictions on fishing. The government imposed restrictions on fishermen in the north-east in October 2005. Night fishing has been banned.

The Navy had introduced a rule in Mannar, requiring each fisherman to register and obtain a permit every day. Following the demonstration, the Navy agreed to withdraw the rule, but the ban on night fishing remains. On 22 February 2006, Mannar fishermen submitted a memorandum to the SLMM highlighting their problems. The Navy has imposed a limit on the supply to fuel to fishermen. The fishermen say that the Navy is also subjecting them to unnecessary checks and is also harassing them at sea without any valid reason.

This was a one of statement given in district report.

About the village after Tsunami disaster:

Location and people

Maruthamunai is located about three kilometers from the town of Kalmunai. It lies 35 kilometers south of Batticaloa. The village is about 1.5 square kilometers in extent. It has the Batticaloa – Kalmunai main road on the western, the sea on the eastern side, Kalmunai town in the south and Periya Neelavanai village in the north.

The villagers are Muslims. The tsunami killed 421 people in the village and wounded 195. Weaving is an important industry in the village. People were also engaged in fishing, poultry keeping and carpentry.

Local Government

The village comes under the purview of the Divisional Secretary of Kalmunai for all administrative and local government related needs. The governance is usually by the Pradeshya Sabha of elected members. Since no local government elections have been held for many years, it is managed by the Divisional Secretary, who functions as a Special Commissioner in the absence of an elected local council.

Organizations a weavers organization functions in the village: 

Infrastructure and facilities

The tsunami destroyed most of the equipment used in the in the weaving industry such as looms, spinning wheels and utensils used for dying. The shops in the village were destroyed and for most of the needs, the people of Maruthamunai visit the nearby town of Kalmunai. It also has public and private banks frequent buses, both public and private operate along the road linking the main town of Kalmunai and other major towns of the area. There are also a number of trishaws operating in the village. The people must go to the hospital in Kalmunai for all their health needs. There is a primary and a secondary school in the village. Water for drinking and household use is from individual and communal wells. Tsunami has affected the water quality and consequently potable water is a major problem as the case of other coastal villages.


Problem statement

The committee staff members of the organization identified various problems in association with community based organization by using various participatory tools.

  1. 80% of the people are under below poverty line

  2. This is a fisherman village also they don’t have lack of equipment after tsunami.

  3. Area is located near to sea

  4. Livelihood insecurity and alternative livelihood opportunities

  5. More than 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty line;

  6. Low levels of literacy in Tribal and tribal communities

  7. Totally depend on weaving.

  8. After tsunami lost their husbandry.

  9. Sometimes Sri Lankan fisherman’s attack by navy

“Fishermen in Mannar staged a demonstration on 7 February 2006, against restrictions on fishing. The government imposed restrictions on fishermen in the north-east in October 2005. Night fishing has been banned. The Navy had introduced a rule in Mannar, requiring each fisherman to register and obtain a permit every day. Following the demonstration, the Navy agreed to withdraw the rule, but the ban on night fishing remains. On 22 February 2006, Mannar fishermen submitted a memorandum to the SLMM highlighting their problems. The Navy has imposed a limit on the supply to fuel to fishermen. The fishermen say that the Navy is also subjecting them to unnecessary checks and is also harassing them at sea without any valid reason.  “

All this data collect from the villages and paradeshiya saba office. For this we conduct a survey.

Project design

The initiative was originated at the target communities. During filed visits and community meetings, the villagers approached J.S and requested to undertake development projects on livelihood promotion in the form of request letters. Based on the priority of the need and demand from the community, J.S has taken this initiative to design a community based sustainable livelihood project for sustainable development of tribal in remote villages of Kalmunai district. The  project mainly focus on  capacity building for women empowerment, Skill development on agriculture  and alternative livelihood options, capital and tools support, creating community assets , networking and building community based institutionalize.



GoalsTraining Develop business To help the women how to manage and develop their businessGiving Loans (fishing) To develop the fishing activityMarketing course To train basic marketing regarding the promote their own productsGiving weaving Machine To rebuild their businessAnimals Farm Training To help them in their farm animalsDistributing Animals To build the animals farm again

Method / activities and objective

There are 3 main activities that we will do to help women in Maradamunai, Batticalo District in Kalmunai after tsunami happened. The activities that we plan to do are to give women Low interest Loans for doing small business, Giving them sewing machines and giving them animal for their farm.

Loan distributing

We plan to give them Low interest loans to 40 participants who are want to open small business. We will provide each woman can lend the loan only RM 1500. We plan to give the loans to the women in group of 8. In one group will have one woman to be a leader of the group to control the members and their 40 women in 5 group, we will provide the loan. Before we give the loan we will have training activities to help the women to use her money in right ways. We will train them how to manage their money and how to develop their businesses in 4 times meeting in two months.

Sewing machine Distributing

We plan to give them weaving machine to 30 women who have skill in weaving. Before we give them the weaving machine, we will give them some training basic to help them in their marketing, In other to know, how they going to make money by using this weaving machine.

Animals farm distributing

The last activity that we plan to do is giving the women animal for their farm. We will provide three types animals to give them. First, we will give them 10 sets cow to10 women. 1 set cow consists of one male cow and one female cow. Secondly, we will give them 10 sets goats to 10 women, which is 1 set goat consists of one female goat and one male goat. Then lastly we provide also 10 sets chickens to give to 10 women, which is 1 set chicken will consists of 20 chickens. In these giving animals, we will provide the animals to 30 women. Before distributing the animals, we will provide the training to help their animal’s farms again.


Community Assessment and Base line Survey:  

Conducting village level assessment including baseline survey and PRA exercises to collects detailed demographic information of target village. The details will include information on the households and their status in terms of functioning. The project will also identify existing vocational skills and local alternative livelihood opportunities available in the target communities. The demographic information will help to identify villages for formation of new livelihood approach.

Formation & orientation:

Initial meetings with community members to SHGs will be developed their daily life income. Project staff will orient the members about the need and benefits of forming an sustainable livelihood development. The agenda of the meetings will be to motivate women from the target communities to organize for the better livelihood opportunities. The meetings will facilitate group formation.

Training on group dynamics:

Once the groups are formed, the project will begin with training on the group dynamics and various techniques involved in managing the group. It will organize trainings to all. Roles and responsibilities of the groups will be discussed and finalized during these trainings.

Vocational skill building on alternative livelihood opportunities:

The project proposes to organize skill building trainings, if needed, once the alternate livelihood opportunities are identified and finalized by the groups. Specially the training to be organized husbandry

Training on financial procedures and management:

Provide basic understanding on the financial management of the society. Training will include key people responsible for finance/accounts management.

Table Activities


Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

RemarksTraining Develop businessGiving LoansMarketing courseGiving weaving MachineAnimals Farm TrainingDistributing Animals

ActivitiesMonitoringTraining Develop businessThis training was monitoring by trainers and 3 crews members until training section finish. Soon after that we are appointing a the leader from that village to monitor the progress.Giving Loans (fishing)The president was monitoring for three months. After that, appointing a crew member to watching their fishing activities.Marketing courseFive students from business school volunteer for monitor this activity beginning until end at the same time they also helping to market the product.Giving weaving MachineSecretary and six crew members following this activity.Animals Farm TrainingThis training was monitoring by trainer and 4 crew members until training section finish.Distributing AnimalsOne villager was appointed from treasure to monitor and report.

Overall objective and goal

We are trying to develop this villager’s livelihood. Beginning we are organize our team to conduct to survey in this village. From that survey we select 100 people to help. From this survey we rely they need a training section. Soon after training section we plan to distribute their need and we appoint some members to monitor and help the people. After six months we going to evaluate they got the development. Evaluations doing by monitor their book keeping.

Personal cost


Trainer- 3 trainer1 hours = RM 100

12 hours in two months * RM 100 = RM1200

RM 1200 * 3 trainers =RM 3600Crew Allowance – 20 people20 crews * RM 1000 = RM 20000TotalRM 23600

Non-personal cost

CostLoans – 40 women

40 participants * RM1500 = RM 60000

Weaving Machine

30 women *  a machine RM 670 = RM 20100


Cows: 1set = 1male+1 female

10 sets= 20 cows * RM 800

=RM 16000

Goats: 1 set= 1 male + 1 female

10 sets = 20goats * RM 500

=RM 10000

Chicken : 1 set = 20 chickens

10sets = 200 * RM 2.50

= RM 500

All Animals = RM 26500Transportation

Delivery animals = RM 2500

Crews transportation = 1000

RM 3500Stationaries

1 set = RM 5

100 participant * RM 5 = RM 500


RM 2000Training equipment1 training = RM 1000

3 training * RM 1000 = RM 3000


1 set snack = RM 7

100 participants * RM 7 = RM 700


RM 116,300

b. Budget Narrative

  1. Trainer Salaries – We will invite three trainers to train three activities that we will do to help women empowerment. In these training, we plan to do it 2 times in a month. One time doing training will take time in 3 hours. In two month it will take time 4 times multiply by 3 hours equal to 12 hours. Every hour the trainer will get RM 100, so 12 hours multiply by RM 100 equal to RM 1200 each trainer. Then we will invited three trainers, RM 1200 multiply by 3 equal to RM3600. For the trainer salaries it will cost RM 3600.

  2. Crew Allowance[1] – There are 20 staffs will get RM 1000 each of us. So, RM 1000 multiplies by 20 equal to RM 20000.

  3. Loans – We plan to give low-interest Loans to 40 participants in 5 groups to run the small business. Each person will lend maximum RM 1500. There are 40 participants will lend RM1500 each person it is mean we need RM 60,000 to give them.

  4. Weaving Machine[2] – We will give weaving machine to 30 women who have interest and have ability to doing business in weaving. The price for one machine is RM 670, and we need 30 machine. RM 670 multiplies by 30 equal to RM 20,100. Here, before we give the weaving machine we plan to give training which tailor course for their supply, before they begin the business.

  5. Animals farm – There are 3 types of animal we will give; they are Cows, Goats, and Chicken. Each type of animal we will give to 10 women. It means we will provide 10 set Cows (a male cow and a female cow) to give to a woman with the price one cow RM800. There are 20 cows multiply by the price RM 800 equal to RM16000. For the Goats, we will provide 10 sets (a male goat and a female goat) to give to 10 women with the price each goat will RM 500. There are 20 goats multiply by the price RM 500 it means we will need RM 10000 for goats. For the chickens, we will provide 10 sets (20 chickens one set) to give to 10 women with the price each chicken RM 2.50.  20 chickens multiply 10 sets equal to 200, and then multiply with the price RM2.50 equal to RM 500.  All of the animals will cost RM 26500.

  6. Transportation – in this case, it will cost much in delivery animal by trucks to the village. There are 20 cows, 20 goats and 200 chickens. We plan it will cost RM 2500. Then for crews transportation it will cost RM 1000. All of the transportation cost will be RM 3500.

  7. Stationary – These stationaries will use while training section for the participant. One set the stationary (one book and one pen) will cost RM 5. There are 100 women and each them will get a book and a pen. 100 women multiply by RM 5 equal to RM 500. So RM 500 will be used for stationary.

  8. Document – we will need to print registration form for participant who will involve in training. From beginning we write proposal we plan will cost RM 2000.

  9. Training Equipment – there is three training will be given for the training will cost RM 1000. Three multiply by RM 1000 equal to RM 3000.

  10. Foods – we will provide snack to the women participant during the training one sets snack cost RM 7. There are 100 participants, 40 from Loans, 30 from sewing and 30 from animal farm. 100 participants multiply by RM 7 equal to RM 700.



About the organization:

Junior Soldiers is nonprofit community organization working towards to reduce the poverty women empowerment and livelihood upgrade. The Junior Soldiers target was reduce the poverty and promote the people livelihood. This organization was established on July 16th, 2009 from few volunteer junior university students to improve the Tsunami affected people livelihood. Beside that all the victims already rebuild the houses and their daily life but still some of the victims cannot recover back their livelihood. The main purpose of this organization is wanted to help the people that got damage from that natural disaster.


J.S main vision is to help the people who don’t have knowledge to improve their business. (Moto serve and obey).


J.S is dedicated for uplifting of underprivileged people.


To promote community based organizations at grassroots level for sustainable development in     rural and coastal areas.

To provide livelihood promotion and social inclusion services to the poor and low income clients in rural and semi urban areas with innovative solutions.

To promote value based education among children, women and youth for whole development.


To develop community owned and managed institutions to sustain the livelihood activities

To develop well trained and highly capable local service providers to provide timely support to the members

To develop community based models for natural resource management in order to protect and use the resources for sustainable development



Mohamed Jazam Junaideen

I was a final year student in B.Sc. in IT. I was a member of Rotract Civil Society Organization during my school time. I was starting my own Civil Society Junior Soldier on 2009 to help natural disaster victims.


Nor Amallina Azmi

Nor Amallina Binti Azmi was a student in B.Sc. in IT. She was joining in Junior Soldiers on 2009. She was a volunteer member in this organization.


Mahara Tawarmi

Mahara Tawarmi was a student in B.Sc. in Banking and Finance. She was volunteer member of this group.

Other Members:

All the members in this organization were volunteer members and for their food and transportation organization was paid to them. Overall 20 members currently working and some of them come from the different schools and university.


This was a six months plan. We plan to help tsunami victim from Batticalor district. This village was remote village in this district. Their main business are weaving and fishing. After tsunami they lost their weaving equipment and fishing equipment. Still now they did not have the proper help to rebuild their life. We select this village to rebuild.

In this project we will go to help with these activities. First Loan distribution, it is low-interest loans with the goal to help the people to open a small business and develop their business. Secondly, we will distribute weaving machine to rebuild their business. The last activity is distributing animal farm. We will provide 3 types animals to help people to rebuild their animal farm again.

These activities will monitor by trainer and some of staff. Each of the activities will have a training section and the trainer will monitor the activities and most of the activities reported by group leader from the village.


Thulasi. ( 2006 ). Sri Lanka Tsunami Situation Report . Kingston upon Thames: Tusunami Information Project Tamil Information Centre .

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