When I started the study of his, I was made to know that civilization in the world started in Greece; but the how authentic it is? There are a lot of controversies as to whether it actually started in Greece or not as many scholars and philosophers have dig deep down into the history and have proven otherwise. However, we are not interested where it all started but then if you do want to find out more you can read from this site (ck raju.net) – a philosopher from India and in his book “Is science western in origin?” you will find certain facts to question if civilization actually started in Greece!
However, Greece had great philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc. the lives of mankind was considered to be in the hands of the medical doctors beside other religious believes. So students graduating from medical schools were expected to take an oath called the Hippocratic Oath written probably by Hippocrates ( the father of modern medicine) to swearing to treat their patients in a fair a judged manner showing an enormous tenacity to do more and succeed in administering the patients as though.
This shows how the works of great Greek philosophers contributed to ethical norms. There are many other contributions by others. Even up still today in some universities in the US students graduating from medical school are expected to take this Hippocratic Oath.
These philosophers have set the basis of most ethical norm today in the world today. Now, all religion organizations, governments, cultural groups, and many organizations have to set their ethical norms for all. However, there norms vary with cultures across the globe. This is what gives the complexity of ethics – to know what is right and what is wrong boiling down to the ideology that nothing is neither right nor wrong as far as ethics is concern. For example eating pork in Islam is wrong (haram) however, eating the same pork in Christianity is not. The biggest question is which one is right and which is wrong? Judaism also has its own ethical norms unique from other religions of the world.
The core of Judaism is the uniqueness which lays in the existence of a covenant between God and his people. The central of this covenant is the concept being chosen as a people.
The Jewish worldview is expressed through a number of concepts basic to the faith: Jews believe in one universal and eternal God, humans are inherently pure and good and are given free will, there is no belief in original sin, one can commit sin by breaking the commandments, and humans must be obedient to the God-given commandments in the Torah (the first book of the Bible). Judaism centers on the worship of God, the practice of good deeds and the love of learning. An individual’s responsibility and moral commitment to God and other people are detailed in Jewish religious writings
The core of Judaism’s faith and the central reason for the survival of the Jews as a distinct ethnic group the Jewish home is a temple according to Judaic law, custom and tradition. Child’s circumcision is celebrated as welcoming a new member of a religious people.
Jews celebrates the puberty age of thirteen where the young person is given an honor to read the Torah in front of the entire congregation.
During marriage, the couple exchange wedding vows, a glass wrapped in a cloth is ceremonially smashed as a sober reminder of the destruction of Jerusalem. Friends and family, even after the seven days of mourning of a death member, continue to visit the family of the dead in showing love and support for the community
With all these, we can see the ethical values of the Jewish religion. This apply to other religions of the world but in different dimensions, but the whole sense behind all focuses on the fact that one has to give humane treatments to his/her fellow human and even the our environment .