Introduction: The topic for our group panel discussion was “the need of women leadership in civil society”. Although there is a lot of civil society organization working for women empowerment however, there have failed to solve the core issues of women and their problems because it is not the women who due to low women leadership in civil society. We did our panel discussion on women leadership that was held on 18 June, 2013 at the CFS 205 building under the course of civil society. The main objective of the discussion was to discuss about of women leadership with a view to deepen more about women leadership and to encourage the audience to women leadership works positively and to remove gender discrimination. As panelist we were five including our moderator. Kavita Gurung, she was the moderator of our panel discussion. And other four panelists were me Umma Salma , Yug Tara Moktan, Karma Dolma Gurung, Pon Sambath.
Processes: For the discussion first we selected our topic and made a plan how to make it effective. As we were five panelists we divided the main topic into some sub topics that was given to each panelist to talk about according to their professional background. For our discussions the time was fixed 30 minutes. So that each of us was supposed to talk not more than five minutes. Before the discussion day we gained enough preparation. The day of discussion at first the moderator welcomed to each panelist and audiences and he introduced to all of us as panelists. Soon after introducing us moderator gave chance to , Karma Dolma Gurung, as she was the first speaker. After her moderator proceed to me. And Miss Yug Tara Moktan was the last panelist. When all the panelists finished moderator Kavita Gurung summarized all the important key words and with his good way of explanations. Finally we gave chance to the audience if they have anything to know from us. Although the time was limited but with the best effort and creativity we made it as a real and professional one.
Discussed points: For the discussion first we selected our topic and made a plan how to make it professional. For that we talked about the history and background of women leadership. We focuses how women leadership is related for the present situation of time how important it in our society. Further we briefly talked about the economic consequence of women leadership in NGO. We showed without empowering our women who are half of our population we cannot eradicate the existing problems of the world. Finally we motivated people to change their attitude and mindset so that they could play responsible leadership roles to bring about positive changes in their communities.
Points of disagreement: The disagreement points that we noticed was we were only panelist who came from different professional background. One of my friends said that there was a missing. And that was that there should be a person who was dominated by man before but now by getting empowerment s/he is quite powerful. During the time of preparing one of us oppressed that why women leaders are very few well-known in Saudi Arabia, this is as a result of the vast gender discrimination against the girl child. However we carefully paid our attention and by taking ideas from all of us we successfully handled the disagreement points.
Strengths & weaknesses Familiarity was the most strength to us. All of us was familiar with it because we did this kind panel discussion before. So that gave us a good experience. For example I can remember when I attend my first panel discussion in last tri semester I was so much scared. But in this semester I was not like that as I was before. Another strength was all almost all of us was known to this topic. So sharing our information and idea made it easier to us. When we were doing our panel discussion we noticed the eager concentration our friends who were the audience and that influenced us strongly. When I talked about the weakness of our panel discussion the most thing that comes to my mind is careless. We did not pay deep attention about rehearse. We did not practice well because we had over confidence. That is why we have seen that we could not manage our time properly. But if we practiced before we would not have to face that problem.
Reflection Honestly I like to say that such kind of panel discussion is a very learnable for us not only for academic but also for real life. By this we learnt how to speak in front of audience and how to take their questions. I was not a person to talk in front of people. But now I believe that I can talk with people from the discussion that we did. The most learnable things that we learnt from our panel discussion is giving enough importance to work. If we do not pay much attention in our works we will not be able to gain top success of life. And never should be over confidence. The second thing is working with my group mate I felt comfortable. I can be brave to express my view. That the improvement I found out of myself compare to my silently before this. It help me to realize that choosing the member of the group is also very important, I should choose with whom can make me feel free to express myself. That is the most important factor for me. Another thing is I found out myself so emotional which I should not be having it. I could get angry easily when thing went wrong. Instead of finding way to solve it, I put just focus on finding and wanted to blame. But I got a suggestion from one of my teammates; I could calm down and go into solving problem. I took my friend’s suggestion as my lesion for me to learn and improve my weaknesses me.
Conclusion In sum up the report overall the discussion was very important and special one because each of us contributed various information and most of us listened with interest when others member were inputting their ideas. We got a lot of idea as well as we spread the idea to our friends. Speaking in a panel discussion has increased my confidence and made me more comfortable in front of the people and writing a report after analyzing it made me more practical by evaluating our strength and weaknesses. I also want say thanks to my lecturer who always help and guide us to face with any problem that we have. Bring us growing up time by time to get better success for our task and assignment.
References Houghton Mifflin. (1996-2013). LoveToKnow, Corp. Retrieved from Yourt Dictionary: