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Islamic Ethics

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham

Week 6 is all about Islamic Ethics and about Islam as a religion. We discussed on what Islam is, ethics before Islam, including pre-Islamic cultural and tribal contest, ethics through Islam and lastly, honor as an ethical values in Islam. We discussed about the period of Fitra which is in between two prophecies and the period of Sadr-al-Islam which is from the bath when Mohammed was raised to the succession of the Prophet by the first four caliphs.

The lecture went well but not until one of our colleagues (non-Muslim) asked a question whether or not it is ethical for the Muslim women to wear scarf (Hijab) in a hot weather conditions. With this question, it started the discussion become intense. To me, the question itself was unethical. We do not have that ability to question the ethicality of one’s religion that existed a long time ago. However, I have got to listen the brilliant answers from Muslim students and those really make me think deeply about my religion and help me to understand more about what I do not know before.

The class got more interesting during the question and answer session. Muslims are just human beings and are all not perfect. We make mistakes and sometimes we keep on doing the same mistakes all the time without repenting. But, Islam is perfect and ALLAH, the Almighty God is the most merciful above all and forgives those who repent. During this week, one of my favourite quotes of the lecturer is saying; “the best charity is given by those who have little.”

Overall, what I have understood from the lecturer is that Islamic ethics is “the stable state of man’s soul from which actions proceed easily without thoughts or deliberation.” We ended the lecturer with the discussions on scope and principles of Islamic ethics, tasks of Islamic Ethics, and fundamental ethical principles in Islam.

Prepared by: Wai Wai Ko

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