Last week we did not have tutorial class because of the combined lecture for a missed class. Therefore, I just focus my reflective diary on what I have learnt from lecture class which is explained about Islamic ethics. This class were mainly instruct by professor Hamid and miss Siti Noor with attractive and interested power point slides which made me more focus on the lesson about my own religious ethics.
Firstly, Mr. Hamid were explaining to us about historical overview of Islamic ethics which was started by pre-Islamic cultural and tribal context called as Jahiliyah, then continuing with “The Fatra”, period between Jesus and Muhamad and proceeding to last period of “Sadar al-islam” when Muhamad was raised and the time of his succession in the position of Prophet. After that, miss Siti continued the classed with the deeper part of Islamic ethics with some ayahs and short verses from Quran which made us be more clear on the lecture. There are several sources of Islamic ethics such as Quran and Hadith, Islamic theory, Islamic philosophy and some more.
However I believe that we just have two main sources of Islamic ethics which Muslims most follow are Al-Quran and Sunnah. Al-Quran is the Holy Book of Allah in belief of Islam people and Sunnah is follow disciplines and daily actions of Prophet Muhamad. In belief of Muslim human beings are created by Allah from the couple of Adam and Eve and through generation to generation of twenty-five angles of Allah Islam has become a so prayerful religion in the world just rank after Christianity in terms of population. As a Muslim I strongly believe in my only Allah, the one who created this universe and to Allah humans shall return. Similarly to other religions in the world, Islam also teaches people the way to be a good and ethical person. Islam educates its practitioners what is right to do in this world and encourages good deed things, avoid sins and believe in the hereafter that Allah has signed since prophets’ times.
Everybody from different religion but all of us may from same ethical education that encourages people to do good and beneficial things for themselves as well as for others. Besides that, the lectures introduced four fundamental ethical principles in Islam which are unity, equilibrium, freedom, and responsibility. Unity stands for cooperation and solidarity among people in Islamic community (also called as ummah) form a strong religion. Equilibrium is about justice between men and women in Islam and between each other. Freedom is free to speak, to learn, to get knowledge and to do things that cause no harm to others.
Lastly, everyone has to be responsible for what we have done, also responsible for our certain tasks which indicated in Quran and through our beloved prophet Muhamad by Allah’s decision. Furthermore, in Islam there are obviously five pillars which are compulsory to everyone in the religion consisting of Shahadah, praying five times per day, give charity (if affordable), fasting fully in the month of Ramadan, and going pilgrimage to Makkah which is known as Allah’s house in Saudi Arabia (if affordable as well). As Muslim, everyone has to fulfill all these five pillars to become a real practitioner and we believe that there is Heaven for good doers for the shakes of Allah and Hell for the sinners to Allah. That is also equilibrium in Islam.