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Introduction to Ethics – Reflection diary – by Tauffiq

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham

Honestly to say, when I want to register my subject for the second trimester I was a bit shock when i was informed that we have to register Introduction to Ethic subject. In my mind, I thought this subject is related to business and I just keep wondering how ethic can be related to business or my daily live. Then in the first class, I really want to know what is ethics?  How can ethics give impact in our life? And what is ethics is all about? And after listening to Prof Evangelos Afendras explanation then I slowly stared to understand what ethics is.

My view about ethics become clearer after we are discussing about the ethical issues that happen around the world through some articles. Actually ethics is a study of moral principles that governors a person’s or a group’s behaviour it also has an effect on how people make decisions in their lives. It is a philosophical study of morality which includes making moral judgement  Having tools for reasons having the natural capacity of human being comes up for moral judgement  comprehensiveness, coherence, consistent and adequate.

Example utilitarianism and having consequentialness example if there is an action then there would be consequences and that consequences will either lead to happiness or suffering and that happiness will being either to yourself or to the others who are surrounding us . And if it beings suffering then that suffering is for all including the living things among us for instants tress, animals and etc.

I was really enjoyed in the last tutorial session of introduction to ethics class I had a very knowledgeable discussion on moral philosophy or right and wrong, good and bad that is very related to our daily life. We even had a discussion on serious consequence can be harming and its connection to human well-being and the surroundings. And another new thing that I gain in the last tutorial class was ethics is both Science and Art.

At the end of the class we had an activity where half of the class had to sit on the chair and other half were standing behind those who were sitting. The students who were sitting had to discus and the students who were standing had to reflect and evaluate them. The topic was Killing is better than lying. I think that was the best part in that session, each of us can give our own opinion and discuss about the good things and the consequences of lying and killing. Each of us gave interesting example on why we are choosing this action rather than that action.

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