As summary of all weeks at the beginning of the trimester I didn’t feel good about this subject because I thought we will always have guest who come from very wealthy background with good jobs and tell us about how they feel about this world and how we should live and improve. I felt this way because the First class was started by the speech of Mrs. Hopkins, who had worked for United Nations for years and still she didn’t want to leave it.
And when I did a research about her she was coming from very wealthy family. I don’t think people like her should work for United Nation because they don’t know and will never know the feelings of people in difficulties. I prefer people like Mr. Albukhary work for United Nation because these people had a difficult life and they can understand the feelings of people who are in difficulties. And when Mrs. Hopkins was asked that UN is not successful her response was “okay do you prefer to close it” this was not ethical. People of the world love UN because it home for everyone but the people who are working for UN needs to give chance for others as well.
As conclusion, The Seminar On current Affairs was very interesting for me because I love to talk about the issues happing in today’s world here I had found some chances to speak out and say what I think or even ask some people to rethink of what they are thinking. In the last class I kind of felt sad because it went quite fast and when the lecturers got together to say their last words. It was emotional however, thanks to the entire course coordinators they all gave us the opportunity and helped learn and improve our knowledge and awareness.