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Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham

Euthanasia comes from Greek meaning “Good Death”. Some also refer to it as mercy killing. Euthanasia refers to the process of painlessly killing someone who is suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. A doctor or a medical professional usually carries out this process of taking the life of the patients or the people who are suffering. In general, euthanasia is classified into two categories voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary etesian is the cases where the life of the person with the consent of the person, usually on request of the person, this process is legal in some counties. Involuntary euthanasia occurs when the life of a person is taken without his/her consent, this is what usually happens with cases of peoples who are in coma. Involuntary euthanasia is not legal in parts of the world and is considered as a type of murder.

The main reason for supporting euthanasia is to relieve people who are suffering from incurable diseases and going through constant pain from their painful state of live. The reason for doing this is that there is nothing that can be done for the person to reduce his pain and suffering. The person is going through so much pain and that he going to be in the state for the rest of his life until he dies of a slow and painful death. According to those who support this argument they claim that the person and his family or relatives would be much better off if he given a painless and quick death instead leaving him in constant agony for the rest of his life

Another argument given to support euthanasia is that every person has a right to die or to kill himself. According to the universal human rights, every person has a right to life. Death may be the opposite of life, but the process of dying is still a part of life. The universal human rights also say that every person should be given the chance to make their life to the best standards. . Dying is one of the most important aspects of life and therefore according to the human rights everyone should be given the right to make their life, as best as possible and therefore they should also be given the chance to make their death as pleasant as they can. The third argument supporting euthanasia is that euthanasia can help in saving the lives of other people. When the people who are in permanent coma or those who are suffering incurable disease are killed, it would free up the scarce medical resources that could be used to treat people who can be cured and can be brought back into the society.

Some other arguments for euthanasia is that it is a private decision of the person to make weather he wants to be alive or not, if want to kill himself and it that is not going to do any harm to others, he should be allowed to take his own life. Government or the society should not come in his way as it does not have anything to do with them.

The debate of whether euthanasia should be allowed or not and weather it is ethical to let do mercy killing is a debate that has been going on for a long time and in the same way there are people who support euthanasia there are also people who disapprove it and voice against it.

            Firstly, euthanasia in most cases involves a doctor or a medical professional taking someone’s life or helping someone to take his own life. The duty of doctors and medical professional are to help us maintain a good health and treat us when we get sick and help us to live a longer life. However, in the case of euthanasia the people who are supposed to save our lives are talking the lives. If this starts happening how can we trust our lives to murders or killers. Doctors are sworn by the Hippocratic Oath to save lives and to practice medicine ethically, will it be ethical for doctors to go against their oath and start killing their patients.

The second case against euthnesia is that as we disused earlier everyone has the right to living and right not to be killed. Nevertheless, in the case of euthnesia we are taking the life of someone and thereby taking his or her right to life. This can be especially important when we are discussing the issue of involuntary euthnesia; the life of the patient is taken without his consent. It is just the same as murdering him.

When we discuss the issue of euthanasia, we can see that raises many ethical questions, as the issue is one big ethical dilemma. Is it ethical one to let someone suffer with extreme pain for the rest of his while we can just simply end his suffering by taking his life? We said that it is a right for everyone to live then will it be ethical for him to ask someone to kill him or more importantly for someone to kill him without his consent. Is it ethical for ethical for doctors to take lives or to help patients kill patients? All these questions remain unanswered and is answered differently by different people and societies, however in the case of involuntary euthanasia it has been agreed by almost everyone that it is unethical and is banned everywhere in the world. However in the case of involuntary euthnesia that still remains a question to be answered.

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