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Writer's pictureJohn B. Parisutham

Ethical Dilemmas

Throughout our life, we have been encountering many ethical dilemmas. Solving these ethical dilemmas needs skill and careful thinking. This week, I learnt various types of ethical dilemmas although I knew many of them before. Some of the ethical dilemmas are tough and it is a complete challenge to get an effective solution to them. You may onetime take a decision based on the ethical dilemma, you are facing. This may lead to other serious consequences.

Dilemma of fidelity is a good example; break a promise to fulfil another promise. In this sense, I think this is not going to work because in this world people think of an interest and importance. So, if someone thinks of his/her own selfish interests then this will lead to hypocrisy. The person may say this person does not have that much importance to me so first let me fulfil the promise of the one who is more powerful and richer than me. So, I may get the rewards. In this context, the theory of justice will even be deeply violated.

Dilemma of fidelity, veracity, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence are the ones difficult to understand their implementation. For example which contexts can we apply on the dilemma of veracity? If an innocent person is being hunted down by a group of armed men and then the person come to your home to hide there than it is a must to protect him. If the armed men ask you, have you seen him/her? Then you should definitely answer “NO” inorder to protect the safety of that person. So, in this context, the individual is telling a lie to save the life of a person who is under imminent threat. The challenge is to what extent you should tell lie to protect someone. In my own idea, you should not tell lie to protect a murderer, robber, thief, or corrupt official from the punishment of the national law or constitution or religious law (sharia) implemented by a country. This means, if you tell lie, you are not only violating the rule of law and preaching justice but you are also harming the society’s harmony.

Furthermore, Dilemma of Nonmaleficence which its ideal is “do no harm”. The dilemma is, “prevent a bad thing (Ethically Good) by not doing a good thing (Ethically Bad)”. The question is how many weeks, months, years or decades will we avoid doing a good thing inorder to prevent a bad thing to happen? And under which authority is the occurrence of the bad thing authorised? The application of this ethical dilemma is wrong. It helps the pacification of the bad people. A man of faith will not agree with it. Prophets were being sent down by God to guide the people to the right path by telling them what is right and what is wrong. I personally believe, we should not fear from persuading, advising and guiding a bad person or leader to the right path by telling them the truth. If we know the negative repercussions that will result then a tough action against the bad person is highly recommended. Thousands of prophets were physically tortured, threatened, segregated, killed or systematically subjected to psychological torture (insulting them) but these actions did not deter them to spread the word of God and guide their followers to the right path.

In conclusion, inorder to solve an ethical dilemma, I would recommend everybody to resort to his/her faith i.e. religion, law, constitution, or intellectuals among the society. It is not good to follow your emotions and the needs of your soul which will actually lead to a total failure. Taking control of your emotions and your soul, feeding your spirit with the continuous or regular repetition and the remembrance of the Zikr (good words attributed to God) and Fikr(deep thinking) will really help everybody to balance their mental and spiritual awareness so as to effectively solve ethical dilemmas. Most of our mistakes come from our hidden intensions which are usually bad. We need the purification of our hearts and coming up with a deep piety towards the Supreme Being that is always overseeing our actions and intentions. I am really struggling in teaching and training myself on following these good things. At last, I will conclude with this statement “Let us always be honest with ourselves.”

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