Current affairs is the detailed analysis and discussion of news and stories that have recently occurred or are ongoing at this time. Newspaper, television, Internet and radio have surly become one of our main sources where we get the information which occurs on that particular time. Also can be considered as news and current affairs. It is obvious that some of the Medias are misusing their power if you ask me how? Reporters and stations are able to manipulating the true news by using a variety of techniques, to make them believe that whatever the information that the media says is the ultimate truth. Manipulation of image and truth are being the main skill of elected officials in some of the main and famous media organisations. This has made misunderstanding and confusion among the audience who always depend on media to observe the world easily. Their desired target to the truth is just a desire at the current time. Globalisation has been playing the major role on this topic. While the world is becoming more interactive and interconnected people are trying to identify the world current news relating environment, social-economic, culture, science-technology and there much more.
The development of the nations are always based on the interconnection between two or more nations, National companies has become International and international has changed to multinational. So, these dealing are occurring by the globalisation which has come from the root current affairs or the exchange of news about each and every part of the world through the use of Internet. So, each one of us must have an interest of seeking current affairs which will be always connected with us in a way. To end up, Here, I would like to highlight an issue which was occurred during the first month of 2013 and effected a community as whole by negative comments on their religion and even their law. The issue was that a Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafeek who was 24 executed in Saudi Arabia. As most of know Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country where 69% of population is Sinhalese and the rest are Hindus, Muslims and Christians.
Rizana Nafeek was a Sri Lankan muslim who went to Saudi Arabia to support her family who were suffering from poverty. Her only intension was to educate her yonger sisters and brother. Rizana was 17 years old when she arrived to work in Saudi Arabia on 4 May 2005. It is proved by her parents that her passport was adjusted the year of birth to 1982, to avoid rules stopping those under the age of 18 being recruited in Sri Lanka and even in other countries for work abroad. She began to work as a domestic helper in Dawadamissa, about 400 kilometres from Riyadh. On 22 May 2005, her employer’s four-month-old child Naif al-Quthaibi died while in Nafeek’s care. Nafeek was accused for murdering the child following an argument with his mother which she refused until her last breath. Nafeek statement on this issue was that, she believed the baby had choked on a bottle by accident during feeding, but she was forced to admit that she murdered the child purposely. Although she asked for forgiveness from the parent of that baby, they refused. According to Saudi law the parents must forgive to be released by the law. After 7 year of prison life, Rizana was executed by beheading on 9 January 2013, despite an appeal from the government of Sri Lanka. What happened after that, some people have started to say that the Islamic law is not acceptable and it is wrong. So, this has led to misunderstanding among some of the Sinhalese and Muslims. Muslim ministers were blamed, claiming that they failed to save a young Muslim girl. What I would like to say is this it is all over, there may be a mistake somewhere, but we need to understand that the feeling of these two mothers. For more details you can refer to this website.