The class started by Prof first he asked the students to think of five problems. The five biggest problems in the world, well, wrote done …
Lack of humanity
Then each one of the student came and explained about the problem and how to solve it. As my opinion about the problems I was thought were as…
Misunderstanding: in every society or nationwide or even internationally people are facing misunderstanding. Then it leads to conflicts
Conflicts: are the source of each other’s misunderstanding and it can result very bad. Such as wars so on and so on
Greediness: this is the problem where the greedy people never says enough they always want more and more this can lead to huge problem because there could be people who don’t have anything but the greedy people want to take their share as well.
Corruption: is the biggest problem in the world now and almost every human being has experienced it. How it can be solved when there is justice for everyone.
Lack of humanity: has been experienced in every nation when we see violence against human right. This can also be solved by justice.
However, today’s class was also interesting as usual but for me it was not as educational as other classes. Looking forward for the next class.