In week 7 lecture by Mr Jaime, we were discussing about a few of ethical theories framework Comparing between Utilitarianism and Deontological such as like divine command, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontological and others. I would like to give and share just some overview on the differences of Utilitarianism and Deontological moral systems.
Deontological moral systems are characterized by a focus upon obedience to self-determining moral rules or duties. To make the correct moral choices, we have to understand what our moral duties and what are the correct rules exist to order those duties. When we follow our duty, we are behaving honestly. If we fail to follow our duty, we are behaving dishonestly. This kind of ethics concepts are mostly appreciated in the developed and high economical countries.
Deontological moral systems typically stress on the reasons why certain actions are performed. Simply following the correct moral rules is often not satisfactory; instead, we supposed to have the correct motivations. This might allow a person to not be considered immoral even though they have broken a moral rule, but only so long as they were motivated to adhere to some correct ethical duty. This deontology moral systems also might be some rules which given by the government and these rules could be disturbing people destructively which can lead to the degree of immorally dictatorship. Yet, they must follow it which may create some kind of insincerity or loyalty among the community.
Utilitarianism is the principle that the correct form of action be taken to benefit the greatest number of people. Deontology is defined as the area of ethics involving the responsibility, moral duty and commitment. Both utilitarianism and deontology deal with the ethics and consequences of one’s actions and behaviour despite the outcome.
To contrast utilitarianism and deontology, utilitarianism summarized is making the right decision followed by the right actions that has the best outcome for the largest number of individuals. Deontology is the understanding and practice that there is a respect for life, fairness, and honesty despite the consequences and no matter the effect on the minority or majority of people affected.
This utilitarianism and deontology has the implications for the clinical nurse where the need to faces with prospective payment plans and personnel shortages nurses in advanced clinical practice are under pressure to find practical solutions. These solutions may reflect the institutional philosophy of utility rather than the traditional nursing ethic of deontology, illustrating the need to examine the differences between utilitarian and deontological principles as they affect nursing practice. This paper discusses deontology and utility as they apply to nursing practice, considers how these different philosophical positions may affect advanced practitioners, and describes the current status of ethics in nursing.
As summarizing this, utilitarianism and deontology are two known ethical systems.Utilitarianism revolves around the concept of “the end justifies the means,” while deontology works on the concept “the end does not justify the means.” Utilitarianism is considered a consequence-oriented philosophy.